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Assumption of Risk Form
(Must be handed in daily)



All members/coaches/athletes/parents/guardians must adhere to the following protocols mentioned below.

All developed protocols are set out by Gymnastics Ontario and the Government of Ontario and enforced by Rock & Gold Gymnastics.



Attire & Items to Bring

Shorts/leggings - T-shirt/Tank top or a leotard is permitted

*No socks/no shoes on the gym floor

*No jewelry (small studded earrings allowed only)

Athletes will be limited to bringing the following items;

  1. Water bottle – must be labeled and have athletes’ name on it

  2. Mask

*Athletes must come dressed and prepared for class times. 

*No toys nor handheld devices or any other items from home will be permitted on the gym floor.

*Please bring no extra items with you, ensure to leave purses, bags, and other items in your vehicle.


All registrations including drop-ins must be completed through our Uplifter registration website.

Ensure to create only 1 account and add participant(s) (child(ren)) into your account.  Registrations are open as advertised and will remain open for;

Sandstormers : 3rd week of term

Ages 4+: 5th week of term

Drop-ins: until the end of term

Payments can be done via E-transfer, Credit Card, Online Debit, Gift Certificate, Company Cheque.  Please ensure to follow the details provided to you once your payment is applied.

Covid-19 Policies

All participants and parents/adults that are accompanying the toddler during gymnastics activities must comply with our policies on our uplifter registration system by signing the Assumption of Risk with Covid-19 form.  Furthermore, the online Google Form screening must be completed and passed to enter the facility for each practice. 


Each person who enters the building must complete and pass the Covid-19 screening via Google form before entering the gym.Proof of vaccination is required (aside from medical exemptions with proof) for anyone participating in our gymnastics programs that are 18 years or older.  We will deny entry to any individual who has any of the symptoms outlined in the COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms on the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 Website or who has come in close unprotected contact with a person with symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days or those who refuse to show proof of vaccination.   Participants will be monitored for atypical symptoms and signs of COVID-19.


Those who are entering the facility must be wearing a face covering until they are active on the gymnastics floor.  Coaches will meet participants at the door and call their name for those who can come forward to the screening area.  Ensure to keep your 2m distance outside which are marked along the outside of the building.  Ensure not to obstruct the parking lot.


Upon entry to the facility, we must complete the following 3 steps;

  1. Provide completed and passed Covid-19 screening Google form for each class

  2. Removal of all footwear and neatly placed in assigned shoe area

  3. Sanitizing of hands

The coach will then escort you to your assigned changing room where you can sit and wait for class start time. . 

Face coverings can be removed once on the gymnastics floor.  We still strongly suggest parents to keep the face covering available or on as you may need to retrieve the participant as they tend to wander off.

Viewing Area/Public Washrooms

  • Viewing area and washrooms in lobby will be off-limits and closed for the time being for visitors


Protocols During Class for Sandstormers

  • We will ensure physical distancing requirements are met by marking the floor areas in the gym.  We have also included barriers to separate our toddlers during gymnastics activities as we understand how it may be difficult to do so.

  • Only 1 parent/adult will be able to enter the facility to guide the participant during the gymnastics class

  • Parents/adults are strongly encouraged to hold the hand of the participant during the games, warm-ups and stretches

  • Parents/adults and participants must remain in their assigned area and are required to use only the equipment they are assigned to.  Please do not touch or use equipment that is assigned to someone else or is stowed away

  • Parents/adults and participants are required to sanitize their hands after touching face and also when changing stations/equipment.

  • Parents/adults and participants must remain with their group at all times.  If the child wanders off, the parents/adult accompanying the participant must quickly and safely bring the participant back to their assigned area without disrupting the other classes in progress

  • Parents/adults and participants will be called off the floor at the end of class.  Ensure to be patient and exit promptly.


All members/coaches/athletes/parents/guardians must adhere to the following protocols mentioned below.

All developed protocols are set out by Gymnastics Ontario and the Government of Ontario and enforced by Rock & Gold Gymnastics.


Attire & Items to Bring

Shorts/leggings - T-shirt/Tank top or a leotard is permitted

*No socks/no shoes on the gym floor

*No jewelry (small studded earrings allowed only)

Athletes will be limited to bringing the following items;

1.      Water bottle – must be labeled and have athletes’ name on it

2.      Mask

*Athletes must come dressed and prepared for class times. 

*No toys nor handheld devices or any other items from home will be permitted on the gym floor.

*Please bring no extra items with you, ensure to leave purses, bags, and other items in your vehicle.


All registrations including drop-ins must be completed through our Uplifter registration website.

Ensure to create only 1 account and add participant(s) (child(ren)) into your account.  Registrations are open as advertised and will remain open for;

Sandstormers : 3rd week of term

Ages 4+: 5th week of term

Drop-ins: until the end of term

​Payments can be done via E-transfer, Credit Card, Online Debit, Gift Certificate, Company Cheque.  Please ensure to follow the details provided to you once your payment is applied.

Covid-19 Policies

All participants and parents/adults that are accompanying the toddler during gymnastics activities must comply with our policies on our uplifter registration system by signing the Assumption of Risk with Covid-19 form.  Furthermore, the online Google Form screening must be completed and passed to enter the facility for each practice.

Drop-Off & Pick-Up

·         Parents/Guardians must drop-off and pick-up participants outside of the facility and on time.  1 Parent/Adult for ages 4&5 will be allowed to escort the child onto the gym floor.  Once class commences, the parent/adult must exit the facility.  All other parents ages 6+ must remain outside or in their vehicles.

·         The doors will be locked once the class start time begins.  If a child is late for class, they might not be able to enter.  Please ensure to come on time and ensure to remain at the facility parking lot until the screening process is done for all athletes for that class and time.

·         Once classes are over athletes and parents must please leave the premises, no lingering around and chatting is permitted

·         Athletes will be escorted out of the facility 1 at a time.  Please ensure to be on time and that you can be seen from the entrance door for our younger athletes.


Each person who enters the building must complete and pass the Covid-19 screening via Google form before entering the gym. Proof of vaccination is required (aside from medical exemptions with proof) for anyone participating in our adult gymnastics programs that are 18 years or older.  We will deny entry to any individual who has any of the symptoms outlined in the COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms on the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 Website or who has come in close unprotected contact with a person with symptoms of or confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days or those who refuse to show proof of vaccination.   Participants will be monitored for atypical symptoms and signs of COVID-19.

Those who are entering the facility must be wearing a face covering until they are active on the gymnastics floor.  Coaches will meet participants at the door and call their name for those who can come forward to the screening area.  Ensure to keep your 2m distance outside which are marked along the outside of the building.  Ensure not to obstruct the parking lot.

Upon entry to the facility, we must complete the following 3 steps;​

1.      Provide completed and passed Covid-19 screening Google form for each class

2.      Removal of all footwear and neatly placed in assigned shoe area

3.      Sanitizing of hands

The coach will then escort the athletes in their class to their assigned changing room where they can sit and wait for class start time. 

Face coverings can be removed once active on the gymnastics floor.  Anytime the athletes are not physically active or if they cannot remain 6ft apart for any reason (moving from one event to the next, going to the washroom, taking a break, watching demonstrations), athletes are required to put their masks back on.

Viewing Area/Public Washrooms

·         Viewing area and washrooms in lobby will be off-limits and closed for the time being for visitors

Protocols During Class for Rock & Rollers, Gemstones, Competitive Groups and Drop-Ins (ages 4+)

·         We will ensure physical distancing requirements are met by marking the floor areas in the gym.  We have also included barriers to separate our toddlers but could also be used for our other age groups during gymnastics activities if necessary.

·         Ages 4&5 will be allowed to have 1 parent/adult who can enter the facility to guide the participant to the gymnastics floor to ensure they are comfortable.  Once classes commence, parent/adult must promptly exit the facility.

·         Participants must remain in their assigned area and are required to use only the equipment they are assigned to.  Participants are not touch or use equipment that is assigned to someone else or is stowed away

·         Participants are required to sanitize their hands after touching their face and also when changing stations/equipment.

·         Participants must remain with their group and coach at all times.  If the child wanders off or does not follow the club protocols consistently, we will advise parents through email.  We will give the child 1 verbal warning and 1 written warning.  If the child continues, the parents will be contacted and the participant will be removed from the program for the remainder of the term with no refund.

·         Participants will be called off the floor and escorted out at the end of class and must exit promptly.

·         Athletes who require the use of chalk will be determined by the coach and will be given in individual bags with athletes’ names on them.  Athletes must wash hands before and after using bar equipment

·         Athletes are not permitted to share personal training equipment (e.g. grips, slippers, wrist bands, wrist supports, ankle braces, tape, etc.)



Facility Safeguarding

·         Heightened cleaning of entire facility, especially high touch, and high traffic areas (e.g. entrance, washrooms, door handles…)

·         Handwashing guidelines are displayed in all washrooms/changing rooms

·         We will ensure respiratory etiquette is followed by advising individuals to cough or sneeze into one’s arm or a tissue

·         We will have face masks available to our staff

·         There will be a maximum occupancy limit of 70 people in the facility including; coaches, volunteers, staff, participants and anyone on the premises for health and safety reason.

·         Athletes will have an assigned changing room as well as a marked off area to which they can place their items.  They must use this room and spot each week.

·         We will clean a minimum of twice per day, and more frequently in the washrooms (high traffic area)

·         Hand sanitizer will be available upon entry to the facility as well as coaches will be carrying one on them at all times

·         We will clean/disinfect gymnastics equipment between classes, where possible, and at the end of the day.  Coaches are also required to sanitize equipment during their rotations before participants move stations and should be done during the rotation downtime (i.e. taking drink break, conditioning).

·         Once classes are over for the day and all athletes have left, all additional surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected (mats, floors, counters, bathrooms, office space, door handles, light switches, railings, etc.); this will be done over and above cleaning the equipment between uses

·         The public water fountain in the lobby will be off-limits for athletes to drink from. Gymnasts will provide their own water, mark their name on it and there will be no sharing. Water filling stations are allowed, but individuals must wash their hands before and after use

·         Athletes are not permitted to share personal training equipment (e.g. grips, slippers, wrist bands, wrist supports, ankle braces, tape, etc.)

·         Cleaning products are authorized disinfectants against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19

·         We have developed a Covid-19 Outbreak plan in case of a temporary closure of the gymnastics facility to properly disinfect and ensure other coaches or athletes are not infected and notified

·         We have created a daily cleaning and disinfecting checklist for the lobby, changing rooms, bathrooms and gymnastics areas.



·         Physical distancing requirements must be met among staff

·         Prior to coming to work (daily), staff are required to report to their designated supervisor/manager the results of their screening test for COVID-19 and determine if either they or a household member has had onset of illness with symptoms compatible with suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19 in the prior 14 days; a staff log to record the self-assessment will be kept

·         Staff are required to sanitize their hands between rotations, and between spotting gymnasts

·         Staff are required to sanitize all equipment that was touched/used during their class time.  Sanitizing of equipment must be done promptly during their rotation downtime (i.e conditioning, water break)

·         Staff must avoid physical contact with one another and gymnasts, e.g. hugs, high-fives, etc. and instead encourage gymnasts through positive language, tone of voice, physical gestures, and body language

·         Limited spotting only if absolutely necessary.  Athlete and Coach must be wearing a mask if spotting is required, unless required to prevent injury

·         Staff must practice personal safety measures such as coughing/sneezing into arm

·         A staff member will be assigned to ensure athletes are sanitizing hands before coming into equipment/gym area prior as well as during and after classes

·         All staff must maintain confidentiality of any person confirmed to have been COVID-19 infected

·         Supervisor/Manager on duty is responsible for monitoring protocols and ensuring compliance, including cleaning regimens.

·         All staff members will be educated and trained on all club protocols and will be monitoring participants and ensuring club protocols are modeled and adhered to (e.g., entering/exiting the facility, accessing washrooms/change rooms, regular hand sanitizing, physical distancing, etc.

·         All staff members will be educated on proper handwashing so they can supervise and ensure participants are washing properly

·         Coaches room will be limited to 1 coach at a time

·         We will continue to remind staff and coaches to consider the emotional toll the pandemic may have had on athletes/families; coaches should monitor their athletes’ mental wellbeing

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